Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Efficient communication requires much more than just sending messages

The use of internet has make humans interact in a much more dynamic environment, message can reach further, faster and to much more people, but the communication process, remains the same. 

Because it is so easy to send messages over internet many persons and companies have the believe that communicating trough internet is much easier than other channels, because now they can reach many times more people and if just a small percentage of people respond then they can call it a success, there fore they focus on sending the message to as many people as they can  and they forget about the importance of understating the complete communication environment

According to Scholars Academia  Effective communication in business is as important as the blood circulating in the human body and hence managers do their best to overcome all barriers to communication. 

Therefore it is vital for any internet marketer to learn how to listen to their audience, and understand their behavior. Yes, even when you can not see directly the people you can see how they behave to better understand what works and what does not work to engage with them even when they are not telling you directly. 

There are many different tools that help marketers to communicate with their audience and to record, organize and analyze their behavior Here is a simple guide that I found very useful to understand some of the most used tools, it it gives clear and simple explanation of what each tool does, and helps you to get an idea of the kind of tools that are available. 

I hope you find this useful!


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